About Ros Place 2017-12-20T14:20:06+00:00

I am Ros Place,
Guardian Angel Communicator
& Founder of Angels with Ros

I am a Guardian Angel Communicator, specialising in helping you to discover your life purpose, achieve your life goals and reach your highest, most positive and most valuable personal potential.

Angels have been a natural part of my life since my birth and Angels form my very first memory. I can remember laying on my bed, looking up to the ceiling and all I could see were light filled orbs, gently moving about me, radiating the most exquisite and positive energy and light imaginable.

It never occurred to me that seeing Angels was unusual. Angels had always been there and so I thought for a long time that everyone else was seeing what I was seeing. In the beginning, I could only see and feel the Angels and it never occurred to me that the Angels were communicating with me.

I was 8 years old when I suddenly began to hear what the Angels were communicating. Angels communicate in blocks of energy and it is different to speech as we know it. It is a language of vibration and I found that I understood it in a way which I don’t remember learning.

My Guardian Angel ‘Tressarn’ was the first Angel to communicate with me in a way I could hear and immediately started to help me by telling me all about my life and my purpose.

It was the Archangels who communicated with me next, beginning with Archangel Michael.

I was born on 4/4/1974 and so the Angelic number ‘444’’ was embedded into my very physical beginnings.

Angels communicate in blocks of energy and it is different to speech as we know it.

About Ros Place

Angel Number 444

From Sacred Scribes

Number 4 resonates with the vibrations of the Archangels, practicality and responsibility, productivity, illumination and initiation, building solid foundations, stability and ability, honesty and inner-wisdom, determination and endurance, hard work and progress.

Angel Number 444 asks that you pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as your connection with your angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time. You are encouraged to continue on your current path as your drive and determination will lead to success and fulfilment.

Everything it seems was all lined up before I was even born!

Soul Path Master

My birth date, also gives me a Soul Path Master Number 11 which has dictated my life in a very powerful way. 11’s are full of potential and must grow into their strengths through addressing self-esteem issues.

11’s are a Master Number and have a very powerful significance. You may have noticed 11:11 turning up in your life! Such a positive sign to see as it tells you that the whole Universe is on your side.

My Soul Path number is Master Number 11 which means :
A Master number, the 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It is instinctual, charismatic, dynamic and capable when its sights are set on a concrete goal. The 11 is the number associated with faith and psychics.

I am having an interesting kind of life.

Ros Place aged 3

Everything with the Angels was wonderful. And then I reached age 11 and went to Secondary School. This was the beginning of a very challenging time for me.

I can clearly remember the day I told the Angels to leave. I told them that I didn’t want to hear from them every again. I told them I wanted to do everything myself, alone and that their presence was no longer welcome.

It all went very quiet and I supressed every single feeling I had ever had. I closed and locked all the doors to my Angel friends and I can remember a constant feeling of suppression and hiding. This was the beginning of a great big mess in my life.

I felt completely lost. I can remember being absolutely desperate to fit in and got myself into huge amounts of trouble doing so.

Throughout my experiences at school, I learned lots of things which I prize highly and value today. I appreciate the young me very much and feel rounded, experienced and aware of things which remind me that we are always doing our best.

My adolescence was a long stretch of acting out all of the low self-esteem and lack of self-worth I seem to have wanted to prove for some reason.

Despite rejecting the Angels, they still saved my life when I was 16 years old and involved in a car accident. I was a passenger with a drunk driver and the car span off the motorway at high speed. When it stopped, I got out and ran and ran for my life; without so much as a scratch.

Still my pride refused to allow the Angels back in.

It was when my elder son Zed was born that I open up my heart so widely, without any control of the amount of love I felt, that I let the Angels back in.

I am having an interesting kind of life. I know I asked for an interesting kind of life and so far, so good!

I married Eddie when I was 28 and this was the best thing I ever did in my whole life. Eddie and I have always had fun together. We have always loved each other’s company and before the boys, travelled together throughout Europe, lived off grid, learned to sail and had a very, very fun time indeed together.

Eddie and I have two precious boys in Zed and Mani. We are excited and filled up to see them grow up, discover their passions and become who they came here to be in their lives. We love being family and we all love the things everyone brings into our world.

I love morning times. I am an early to bed, early to rise kind of girl. I love baking and cooking family food from scratch and all the lovely smells which waft from the kitchen and bring the boys in! I love coffee and always ask for my Americano ‘with room.’

I love, and need to move my body and every morning do ‘Five Tibetan’ exercises while I wait for my porridge to cook. I love hikes and walking and talking with my friends, especially in LA. I love LA.

I love sitting outside in our garden talking with Eddie about our lives together. I love laughing. I really love laughing, especially with Eddie and our boys Zed and Mani. I love watching them grow up and find themselves and their interests and passions.

I love the way that my Guardian Angel has always and always will, encourage me to grow into my complete potential in order to fulfill my life purpose. And I love knowing that your Guardian will always love and encourage you in the same way.

Ros Place is a Guardian Angel Communicator from England. Ros, her husband Eddie and sons Zed and Mani all live by the sea on the south coast of England, UK.

Everything with the Angels was wonderful. And then I reached age 11 and went to Secondary School. This was the beginning of a very challenging time for me.

I can clearly remember the day I told the Angels to leave. I told them that I didn’t want to hear from them every again. I told them I wanted to do everything myself, alone and that their presence was no longer welcome.

It all went very quiet and I supressed every single feeling I had ever had. I closed and locked all the doors to my Angel friends and I can remember a constant feeling of suppression and hiding. This was the beginning of a great big mess in my life.

I felt completely lost. I can remember being absolutely desperate to fit in and got myself into huge amounts of trouble doing so.

Throughout my experiences at school, I learned lots of things which I prize highly and value today. I appreciate the young me very much and feel rounded, experienced and aware of things which remind me that we are always doing our best.

My adolescence was a long stretch of acting out all of the low self-esteem and lack of self-worth I seem to have wanted to prove for some reason.

Despite rejecting the Angels, they still saved my life when I was 16 years old and involved in a car accident. I was a passenger with a drunk driver and the car span off the motorway at high speed. When it stopped, I got out and ran and ran for my life; without so much as a scratch.

Still my pride refused to allow the Angels back in.

It was when my elder son Zed was born that I open up my heart so widely, without any control of the amount of love I felt, that I let the Angels back in.

I am having an interesting kind of life. I know I asked for an interesting kind of life and so far, so good!

I married Eddie when I was 28 and this was the best thing I ever did in my whole life. Eddie and I have always had fun together. We have always loved each other’s company and before the boys, travelled together throughout Europe, lived off grid, learned to sail and had a very, very fun time indeed together.

Ros Place aged 3

I must have been about 3 in this photo – I remember it being taken on a little pink velvet chair at my Nan’s house.

Eddie and I have two precious boys in Zed and Mani. We are excited and filled up to see them grow up, discover their passions and become who they came here to be in their lives. We love being family and we all love the things everyone brings into our world.

I love morning times. I am an early to bed, early to rise kind of girl. I love baking and cooking family food from scratch and all the lovely smells which waft from the kitchen and bring the boys in! I love coffee and always ask for my Americano ‘with room.’

I love, and need to move my body and every morning do ‘Five Tibetan’ exercises while I wait for my porridge to cook. I love hikes and walking and talking with my friends, especially in LA. I love LA.

I love sitting outside in our garden talking with Eddie about our lives together. I love laughing. I really love laughing, especially with Eddie and our boys Zed and Mani. I love watching them grow up and find themselves and their interests and passions.

I love the way that my Guardian Angel has always and always will, encourage me to grow into my complete potential in order to fulfill my life purpose. And I love knowing that your Guardian will always love and encourage you in the same way.

Ros Place is a Guardian Angel Communicator from England. Ros, her husband Eddie and sons Zed and Mani all live by the sea on the south coast of England, UK.

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