Archangel Jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel 2021-09-17T16:15:55+00:00

Project Description

Archangel Jeremiel Archangel of Change

Archangel Jeremiel is the Archangel of Change

Deep Purple

Dark Amethyst

Third Eye

Learning and Intuition

Primary Role:
To help you to optimize change

Areas of your life:
Life changes and reviews

Archangel Jeremiel is the Angel of Transition and Change and can be called upon to help you to move through big periods of change in your life.

Jeremiel has a deep purple aubergine aura and an energy of forwards movement and positive outcomes. He will help you to benefit from big changes in your life, not just manage or cope with change but to fully benefit fully and optimise

Making Life Changes

Archangel Jeremiel will help you with big life changing decisions in your life like – emigrating, moving home, changing job, having a baby and getting married and he will support you through the often intense transition of one way of living to the next.

  • Ask Archangel Jeremiel to help you to make difficult decisions.
  • Ask Archangel Jeremiel to help you to understand your dreams.
  • Archangel Jeremiel can be called upon to make times of transition gentle and easy.

Angel Oracle Card Exercise:

Take your favourite Angel Oracle Cards in your hands and fill them with love and all that love means to you. Allow your cards to become warmed by your hands. Gently shuffle your cards and take your time and enjoy your connection. Anticipate clarity and love from your cards; expect them to help you and they will.

When you are ready, ask the Archangel Jeremiel to provide you with his loving guidance and choose a card for each question:

Archangel Michael, what is it you would like me to know today?
Archangel Michael, how can I bring your energy and qualities more powerfully in to my life?
Archangel Michael, how can I learn to use my intuition to make important decisions in my life?