Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel 2021-09-17T16:19:06+00:00

Project Description

Archangel Uriel Archangel of Wisdom

Archangel Uriel is the Archangel of Wisdom

Violet and Ruby



Universal Understanding and Wisdom

Primary Role:
Desire, Abundance and Manifesting

Areas of your life:
Relationships, Personal and Spiritual Development

Archangel Uriel is the Archangel of Universal Understanding, Illumination and Wisdom and he will help you to understand the Laws which govern the Universe.

Archangel Uriel will illuminate a path for you towards Universal Understanding and link your physical and your spiritual selves together to bring Oneness. Uriel will help you to manifest accurately and create carefully by establishing and maintaining thoughts and actions which will benefit you.

  • Ask Archangel Uriel to help you create and maintain positive thought.
  • Ask Archangel Uriel to show you a clear path towards your desires.
  • Archangel Uriel can be called upon to help you to work effectively with the Law of Attraction.

Angel Oracle Card Exercise:

Take your favourite Angel Oracle Cards in your hands and fill them with love and all that love means to you. Allow your cards to become warmed by your hands. Gently shuffle your cards and take your time and enjoy your connection. Anticipate clarity and love from your cards; expect them to help you and they will.

When you are ready, ask the Archangel Uriel to provide you with his loving guidance and choose a card for each question:

Archangel Uriel, what is it you would like me to know today?
Archangel Uriel, how can I bring your energy and qualities more powerfully in to my life?
Archangel Uriel, how can I hold a state of positive expectation in my life?